About me

     My name is Jo.  I'm a wife, mother and grandmother.  I'm 58 years old.
I've been cooking my entire life.  I believe food should be eaten at home.  My mom taught me how to cook when I was just a kid.  My grandmother also put me in her kitchen.  We are all Norwegian.  So food is a big thing in my family.  Don't get me wrong, I love to go out and eat at great restaurants.

     I have a wonderful husband whom I've been married to forever..... no really, we've been together for 41 years and married 39.
I also have great kids.  Three girls!  That was fun.....Three girls, my mom and myself all in the same house.  My poor husband.  That was where he learned that if there were more than 2 women in a room he would just shut up.  So cooking was a big deal for me.  Would you believe my mom actually made and baked bread every day from her childhood all through mine and my kids'.  One week before she passed away she was teaching me and my youngest daughter how to make her cinnamon rolls.  We knew how, but wanted a refresher course.  Then there's my grandson Sean.  What a character he is!  Love him sooo much.


I'll be back to put more up here.